ATP Publishes first eight Privacy in Practice Bulletins

in hard copy


The Association of Test Publishers continues to follow the progression of privacy initiatives, from the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which went into effect in May 2018, to new initiatives cropping up in state legislatures across the U.S., including the California Privacy Act (CCPA), and in other countries around the world (e.g. China, India, Brazil, Canada).

To assist ATP members* in navigating the legal and practical issues inherent in these new laws, the ATP International Privacy Subcommittee has developed a series of "Privacy in Practice" Bulletins that provide practical information, discuss principles, and provide guidance that testing organizations should use to comply with the GDPR, as well as current and/or upcoming privacy laws in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world. Due to popular demand this series has been compiled into  a hard copy volume to make the information available to a wider audience.

Chapters include: Customer Guidance on Privacy Compliance;  What is Personal Data in Testing; Obligations of Processors in Assessment Services; Deletion Request From a Test Taker; Dealing With Breaches: Step 1 – Preparation; Preparing for the California consumer Privacy Act; Security Standards and the Assessment Industry; and, Privacy by Design and by Default - Demystified.


* ATP Members can download these bulletins free of charge by logging into the website and, on their profile page, under Quick Links, click on Guidelines/Surveys.