ATP Board Approves Expanded New By-Laws go to membership for vote "Making the world smaller for testing," is how ATP Treasurer Marten Roorda, CEO of Cito described the most recent revision of the governing structure for the Association of Test Publishers to better accommodate International members. In a unanimous vote at their March meeting, ATP's Board of Directors approved the new set of By-Laws, which, after being ratified by the membership, will serve to guide the Association on its continuing path towards becoming a truly global trade association. Having the members vote on the new By-Laws is an important part of the process as ATP evolves into an international trade association," stated ATP CEO Dr. William G. Harris, as he urged members, who had not done so already, to cast a vote. " These changes must now be approved by a minimum of 3/4 of the Regular Members of the Association." ATP's Legislative Counsel, Alan Thiemann, chief architect of ATPs original By-Laws, noted that "a majority of the changes in the By-Laws are directly related to the internationalization effort. In a few cases, a changes were made just to bring a clause up-to-date or for clarification purposes." He also urged Regular Members who had not yet voted to do so as soon as possible. Regular Members who have not yet cast a vote can log onto their profile at and go to the Polling Area on their member landing page. [Questions and Answers about Globalization can be accessed here.]