ATP CEO William G. Harris and ATP Chair Cicek Svensson featured among Internationally acclaimed experts in HR at the Great People Inside Conference held October 9th & 10th in Romania.ATP CEO William G. Harris and ATP Chair Cicek Svensson were invited to Brasov, Romania in October to participate in the "Visionary HR" conference hosted by ATP member Great People Inside. According to Great People Inside, the conference, now at its16th year, represents the most prestigious HR event in Romania and gathers experts from Europe and the United States of America, as well as Romania’s most prominent HR executives and innovators to interact with a community of hundreds of decision makers, visionaries, entrepreneurs, technology buyers, and disruptors who create the future of work. "Since 2009, over 16 billion dollars have been invested in HR technologies, 6.5 billion of which have been invested just in the last couple of years. (Source: CB Insights/ At this rate, it has been estimated that investments in the global human resource management (HRM) sector will reach 30 billion dollars by 2025," wrote conference authors on the Visionary HR website. In other words, the creation of innovative HR solutions is in a continuous expansion, whilst the field of human resources is currently experiencing a fantastic influx of innovation. The business landscape is changing fast due to technological advancements, extensive disruptions in the labor market and geopolitical uncertainties. The conference tackled such questions as: With so many Both Harris and Svensson were given the opportunity to introduce the Association of Test Publishers to a largely eastern European audience and to describe the many ways in which ATP members are addressing these same challenges through networking, creating educational opportunities and bringing together solution providers and HR professionals in a variety of forums and across many both Regional sectors as well as both private and public sectors. Harris and Svensson shared the stage with such notable speakers as Wilmar Schaufeli, one of the authors for the Job-Demands Resouces model, the most popular one in organizational health psychology, and Dan Hill, the internationally recognized expert in reading facial microexpressions through the facial coding, tool made famous by the hit series “Lie to Me” and bestseller “Blink" who presented his latest research during the conference in Brasov.