2016 SponsorsImproving Assessments in Higher Education and the Workplace: Embracing World-Class Best Practices and Technologies.

India-ATP Plans 2017 Conference in Bangalore – Sponsorship is Open


Sponsorship is open for India-ATP’s fourth annual conference scheduled for November 17, 2017 at the Le Méridien in Bangalore. I-ATP Conference Chair P.C. Suraj, Marketing Manager at Pearson VUE, has announced this year’s theme to be: Improving Assessments in Higher Education and the Workplace: Embracing World-Class Best Practices and Technologies.

“The key objectives of this event are to bring educational leaders together with human resource professionals to establishing an ongoing dialogue for raising assessment standards by really exploring and embracing world-class best practices and also the technologies that are at the forefront of both education and industry,” Suraj remarked.

I-ATP Chair, Soumitra Roy, General Manager of Global Business Development for Prometric concurred, indicating that the full agenda is still being worked on, but it will include sessions on ”scientific techniques, best practices and new technologies for use in higher education assessment and the workplace.”

Last year’s successful conference in New Delhi featured opening remarks from Prof. Ved Prakash, Chairman, University Grants Commission (UGC) , and C. Peter Magrath, Author, International Consultant, and former President of  four U.S. Universities and the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU).  Presentations included workshops on using and interpreting data, developing high quality assessments for India higher education, examination design, and computerized adaptive testing and multi-dimensional problems faced in today’s changing international education markets. Presenters included testing leaders from the College Board, IIT Kanpur, BellCurve Labs, Inc., and University of Pune.

ATP CEO Dr. William G. Harris noted that the one-day I-ATP event is a growing event which is serving to make connections  between industry leaders and top educators throughout India. The event is free of charge for attendees, many of whom attend from educational institutions and government bodies – but that the event is supported through sponsorship.  “It’s a great way to make educational and workplace leaders in India aware of the different brands, products and services that ATP member sponsors represent…as in all of ATP’s conferences, it is a relaxed, educational setting that encourages networking and dialogues.”

To learn more about the growing I-ATP Regional Division, and sponsorship opportunities, visit the I-ATP webpages at http://www.testpublishers.org/india-atp-events.