India - ATP Plans Fourth Annual Conference in New Delhi Call for presentations is open India-ATP has announced plans to hold its fourth annual conference 30 November 2018 at the Habitat Centre in New Delhi. This year's conference theme is Revamping Exam Standards in India: Improving Evaluation and Assessments for Higher Education and Professionals I-ATP Chair Divyalok Sharma of Pearson VUE announced that, "the key objectives of this event are to bring educational leaders together with human resource professionals to establish an ongoing dialogue for raising assessment standards by embracing world class best practices and exploring new technologies." This one-day event will take place on November 30th, 2018 at The Habitat Centre in New Delhi. The full agenda should include scientific techniques, best practices and new technologies for use in higher education assessment and the workplace. Last year's conference featured keynote speaker David Bearfield (below center), Director of the European Personnel Selection Office [EPSO]