ATP's Journal of Applied Testing Technology rounded out its 2017 publication series with two articles on Remote Proctoring and Balancing Accessibility of Tests with Security"Advances in technology have spurred innovations in secure assessment delivery. One such innovation, remote online proctoring, has become increasingly sophisticated and is gaining wider consideration for high-stakes testing," wrote co-authors John A. Weiner and Gregory M. Hurtz of PSIOnline in their JATT published article: A Comparative Study of Online Remote Proctored versus Onsite Proctored High-Stakes Exams. The authors went on to note that there is "an absence of published research examining remote online proctoring and its effects on test scores and the examinee experience." The paper describes a quasi-experimental field study carried out with three professional licensing examinations administered concurrently at different test sites that offered either onsite proctoring in testing centers or remote online proctoring in computer kiosks where the testing was proctored via Internet-connected video communication and surveillance. [To read the full article visit] A second article, titled: Using K-12 Lessons Learned about how to Balance Accessibility and Test Security to Inform Licensure, Credentialing, and Certification Exam Policies, co-authored by Sheryl S. Lazarus and Jill R. van den Heuvel of Alpine Testing Solutions and Martha L. Thurlow of the National Center on Educational Outcomes, University of Minnesota, explores how to balance test security and accessibility on licensure, credentialing, and certification exams. It examines K-12 test security policies related to educational assessments across states to discover lessons learned about how to meet accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities while minimizing test security risks. It then discusses how licensure and certification programs can adapt those lessons and policies to ensure exam score validity for all candidates without jeopardizing exam security. [To read the full article visit]