What Everyone Should Know About the Legal Landscape Relating To Testing, by attorneys Robert A. Burgoyne and Alan J. Thiemann  is the newest pocket guidebook to hit the bookstore shelf at ATP.  

"What originally started as a conference presentation wound up being a full-blown publication," said ATP Legislative Counsel Alan Thiemann in explaining the origins of the book. 

The publication provides an overview of legal issues that may be encountered by testing organizations regardless if they are in employment, academic or credentialing/licensing settings.  "There are a range of legal issues that can arise in the development, administration or scoring of assessments, or in the operation of a testing program," the authors noted.

The book contains test-related litigation checklists designed for "putting yourself in a position to pursue all possible remedies;" illustrative cases, both civil and criminal and from both inside and outside the U.S.; actual lawsuits relating to scoring issues and discrimination; guidance on responding to discovery requests, subpoenas and participating in court cases as amicus curiae.  The book also includes a bibliography of professional standards, privacy and protection laws and legislation specifically addressing testing.  [The book is available to members as a .pdf in the members only section of the website under Guidelines and Surveys.  It is available in the ATP Bookstore as a bound publication.]