On April 23, the Nevada Assembly voted to approve a bill (AB 132) that, in its original form, would have banned the use of pre-employment personality testing. But thanks to swift action on the part of ATP and it’s Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Division the damaging section of the bill was entirely deleted. “Unless the same or similar language is picked up in another bill in the Senate before the end of the legislative year (June 3), we have succeeded in defeating this threat,“ ATP General Counsel Alan Thiemann reported. Thiemann noted that ATP worked closely with the National Federation of Independent Business, which also opposed the testing ban. He said that the Federation had expressed gratitude to ATP for its contribution of “compelling evidence about the science of testing.” “From what we know at this point, the testing ban is not likely to come back in other legislation, especially since the original sponsors agreed to drop the language. But, it is always possible that some legislator could add it to another bill that is still under active consideration.” Thiemann added. Accordingly, he said, ATP will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that this victory is preserved. [ATP Members can visit the Legal/Legislative page in the Members Only Section of the ATP website at www.testpublishers.org and download the AB132 as amended.]