New publications recently released from ATP include the EU General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Guide, and two books from the Workforce Skills Credentialing Division: Book 1, Security Survey Report and Book 2, Security Framework Report. The EU General Data Protection Regulation Compliance Guide, provides an overview of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) scheduled to go into effect in May of this year, and its requirements for protecting the personal data and privacy of individuals located in the European Union. This book describes some likely practical effects on developing, delivering, and processing tests and assessments for use in the EU, and offers guidance on best practices for compliance with the GDPR so as to avoid possible violations and potential penalties. Each chapter highlights the most pertinent GDPR provisions that are likely to impact testing organizations, whether they are developers, sponsors, test delivery services providers, or other vendors of testing services. As appropriate, this Guide suggests examples of how existing procedures or processes may be at risk for leading to violations and best practices for mitigating those risks. The Workforce Skill Credentialing: Security Survey Report comprises Book 1 of a two-part project designed to bring greater clarity to the workforce skills credentialing market. This book is comprised of data gathered from credential earners, users, issuers and test publishers regarding assessment security and credential authentication, as well as to identify meaningful differences and similarities in stakeholders' perspectives. This report sets forth the survey results and provides important insights into the current state of the credentialing market. The Workforce Skills Credentialing Security Framework is Book 2 of a two-part project designed to bring greater clarity to the workforce skills credentialing market. This book can be used as a follow-up to Book 1, or as a stand-alone guide, or together with the efforts of other organizations (e.g. Connecting Credentials, the European Commission) to provide greater transparency regarding assessment-based workforce skills credentials. All three of these books are available through the ATP Bookstore.