News Briefs from the Board, Regions, Divisions, Committees, SIGs and Subcommittees
The ATP Board of Directors, chaired by Nikki Eatchel of Scantron, will be meeting in Minneapolis in August to continue work on a Strategic Plan initiative that has been underway for more than a year. Both Conference Committees, E-ATP, chaired by Cicek Svensson of Comms Multilingual and the Innovations Conference Committee, chaired by Rachel Schoenig of Cornerstone Strategies will be incorporating many new ideas into upcoming conferences including a Town Hall session format and special, Cross-Divisional Networking event at E-ATP, and a special Participant Lab and Debate, at the Innovations Conference. Asia-ATP, chaired by Alex Tong of ATA, is planning another Round Table session in Tokyo at which the discussion will be about large scale testing administration. The Asia Regional Board is also talking about restructuring itself so that the diversity of the region can be better represented. Europe-ATP, chaired by Cicek Svensson of Comms Multilingual, has rolled out some new marketing videos that can be viewed here: and here: India-ATP, chaired by Soumitra Roy of Prometric, has opened sponsorship for their conference planned for November 17, 2017 in Bangalore. The Certification Division, chaired by Dawn Gibas of the American Society of Agronomy, reports that the Division has streamlined the number of subcommittees. The three remaining subcommittees are very active. The Subcommittee on Accessibility and Accommodations is working on a paper due early next fall. She reported that the Recertifications and Renewal Subcommittee has reopened its survey and will extend the deadline. The Clinical Division, co-chaired by Mark Ledbetter of HMH and Manny Straehle of AERE are discussing how to collaborate with other Divisions and also how to bring in featured speakers to the Innovations conference. The Education Division, chaired by Canda Mueller of NWEA, held a Webinar on June 7, 2017 on the topic of “Using Non-cognitive Indicators in Practice.” ATP Members are invited to login and to Visit the Divisions/Committees page listed in their Quick links. Click on the Education Division for access to a recording of the webinar. The Industrial/Organizational Division, chaired by April Cantwell of Furstperson, held a successful networking event at the SIOP conference in April. The Workforce Skills Division, chaired by Rob Pedigo of Castle Worldwide, will be doing a presentation at E-ATP. The Division is currently working on WorkCred and Credentialing Transparency issues and have been working with ATP Legislative Counsel Alan Thiemann on monitoring the Reauthorization of the Perkins Act. The Health Sector SIG, chaired by David Waldschmidt of ADA, will hold a Peas in a Pod session on health assessments at the E-ATP Conference. The SIG is also working with the Australian Medical Council (AMC) to bring about a best practices manual. The ATP Marketing Committee, chaired by Quinn Sutton of Alpine Testing, is working with the E-ATP Executive Committee to bring the Leading the Conversation campaign to Europe in a way that will benefit and resonate with the European community. The Public Sector SIG, co-chaired by Martha Lopez of the UNDP and David Bearfield of EPSO, held a successful meeting in Copenhagen on June 22-23, which was hosted by the United Nations Development Programme. Presentations are available on the ATP website. The ATP Security Committee, chaired by Michael Clifton of ACT, is planning the 2017 Security Survey and is a sponsor of the 2017 Conference on Test Security being held in Madison, Wisconsin in September.