Under the leadership of Alex Tong of ATA Testing Authority, Inc., A-ATP held a Round Table Discussion in Beijing in December on the topic of Corporate Hiring and Selection. Among the attendees was the head of Amazon in China, as well as other notable leaders. There were just under 20 HR practitioners at the meeting, which was sponsored by ATP member Hogan Assessment Systems. The session was recorded and is currently being transcribed. Alex also reported that work is continuing on the work of localizing the highly successful ATP publication, Operational Best Practices so as to be more relevant to the Asian testing community. [For more information about Asia-ATP visit the Asia-ATP web pages or contact Alex Tong at [email protected]]
India - ATP
Under the leadership of Soumitra Roy of Prometric, I-ATP hosted another successful day-long conference in New Delhi in 2016 with the general theme of developing high quality assessments and which drew an audience of approximately 75 participants from various academic institutions. Most of the attendees reported an interest in learning more about best practices for test development. Soumitra noted that India continued to be a continuing challenge as a market. "For example," he noted, " many practitioners still believe that replicating a paper and pencil test ona computer is all that is involved in computer based testing...and of course test security continues to be a very big challenge." He also said that there is a very great need to "lobby and educate the Indian government in order to get good testing practices in place." Soumitra reported that another Conference is being planned for 2017. [For more information about India-ATP visit the India-ATP web pages or contact Soumitra Roy at [email protected]]
Europe - ATP
Under the leadership of Cicek Svensson of Comms Multilingual, E-ATP is seeking to again draw top quality presenters and keynoters to what will be the Regions ninth annual Gaining Advantage Through Assessment Conference planned for 27 - 29 September 2017 outside of Amsterdam. Cicek reported that a new event being planned this year is a networking event being sponsored by a group of E-ATP members with the goal of adding value to the conference for delegates while at the same time engendering a sense of community.[For more information about Europe-ATP visit the Europe-ATP web pages or contact Cicek Svensson at [email protected]]