The Following Division Reports were summarized from Board Meeting Proceedings Certification – Certification Chair Dawn Gibas, of the American Society of Agronomy, reported that the Division held a well-attended luncheon at the Innovations Conference. She also reported that the Recertification and Renewal Sub-committee is working on conducting and analyzing a survey of recertification and renewal best practices and that the Low Volume Exams Sub-committee was working on developing a series of white papers that address very specific issues that small volume programs face on a regular basis. [For more information contact Dawn at: [email protected]]
Clinical – Clinical Co-Chairs Mark Ledbetter, of HMH, and Manny Straehle, of AERE, reported that they’d had a successful meeting with members at the Innovations conference and that they's also conducted multiple conversations with clinical test publishers about the future of the Division. Although few in numbers, they reported that most Clinical Division members would like to continue to meet and to network with each other as an active Division. Manny said that members are interested in what ATP can offer, which is unique and apart from other organizations and conferences, even though their members may not always be present in large numbers. [For more information contact Mark at [email protected] or Manny at [email protected].]
Education – Education Chair Martin Borg, of Measured Progress, reported that the Division is interested in working on updating the Operational Best Practices document – and perhaps making it a type of publication that can be updated more consistently. He reported that other areas that the Division is concerned about is data privacy and copyright. He reported that the Division had provided two featured speakers at the Conference: Janice Gobert who presented, The Time is Now – The Need for Data Mining for Performance Assessment for NGSS Practices; and Burr Settles who presented: Improving Language Learning and Assessment with Data. Finally, he reported that the Division had conducted two Webinars: Peter Zamora of CCSSO on Education Policy and Implications for Assessment; and Patrick Kyllonen, Ph.D. and Rich Roberts, Ph.D on Using Noncognitive Indicators in Practice. For more information contact Martin at [email protected]
Industrial/Organizational – I/O Chair Kimberly Nei, of Hogan Assessment Systems, reported that the I/O reception was well attended and that the Division is planning a meeting at SIOP in April. [Which is now scheduled for Friday, April 20, 4:40 - 6:30 p.m. at the D4 Irish Pub & Cafe in Chicago.] Kimberly also reported that the Division had invited Jim Sharf, Deniz Ones, and Robert McHenry as featured speakers at the Innovations Conference and that she was participating in the Strategic Planning Subcommittee focusing on the translation and adaptation of ATP's resources. [For more information contact Kimberly at [email protected]]
Workforce Skills – Workforce Skills Chair Rob Pedigo, of Castle Worldwide, reported that the Division leadership has been working to create awareness of the Workforce Skills Credentialing Division both inside and outside of ATP. He reported that among their goals is to get more involved with professionals in industries that might otherwise not have ATP on their radar. He also noted that part of the challenge within ATP has been to create an identity that is unique to the Division and not cross too many lines with other existing Divisions. He reported that Workforce released two new publications in 2018: The Workforce Security Survey Report (Book 1) and The Workforce Security Framework Report (Book 2), which are both available in the ATP Bookstore. He reported that going forward the Division will be looking at a new Survey, a new Analysis and new publications. For more information contact Rob at [email protected].]