The Call for Nominations for the 2019 ATP Awards Program is Open Nominations are being accepted until Wednesday, September 5, 2018. You must be a Member of ATP to make a nomination, but the nominee does NOT have to be a member. To read about ATP's award program, visit the Wall of Honor. Then go to the link and make your nomination. "We streamlined the nomination process a few years ago," noted 2019 Awards Co-Chair Rob Pedigo. "It can all be done online and we no longer require a résumé so the person you are nominating does not even need to know they are being nominated." Alina von Davier of ACT, also Co-Chair of this year's committee, added, "We are looking for strong letters of nomination that endorse the candidate and give us a sense of their impact on testing - whether it has been in an academic sense, an applied industry sense, or even inspirational." All nominations will be reviewed by a committee which is comprised of the Chairs of the Practice Area and Regional ATP Divisions. The committee then makes the final selection based on their collective reviews of the candidates. "It's straight-forward, but exciting," Pedigo added. "Alina and I are looking forward to leading this committee this year and are hoping to receive nominations that reflect the broad scope of ATP's membership." Following are descriptions of the two awards that are given: [To see past Award winners, visit ATP's Wall of Honor] The Career Achievement Award The Career Achievement Award honors individuals who have made sustained and positive contributions to the development, application and innovations in testing and measurement through research, publications, presentations, professional activities, technology, conceptualizations, or theoretical contributions over a career. Special attention will be given to individuals whose contributions have had a broad impact on improving testing and measurement in areas of clinical, certification and licensing, education, or industrial applications. Criteria for the award include the general nature and relevance of the contributions to testing; the importance of the theoretical, empirical, conceptual, technological and scientific contributions; and the sustained impact of these contributions on improvements in testing. The Award for Professional Contributions and Service to Testing This award honors individuals who have made a positive impact on the industry of testing through professional contributions and service. Applied and professional contributions may include sustained leadership in the testing industry and professional contributions through presentations and service that have improved testing. They may also include contributions that have improved the applications of testing, influenced professional standards and practices, and increased public understanding of testing, advocacy, or other relevant contributions to the industry and profession. Criteria for the award include the general nature and relevance of the professional contributions to testing; the importance of the contributions to the industry and profession; and the sustained impact of these contributions on improvements in testing. Nominees must have formal present or past affiliations with one or more organizational members of ATP (e.g., employee, consultant, officer). |