Nominations are now being accepted for

the 2020 ATP Board of Directors

The Association of Test Publishers (ATP) invites Regular Members-in-good-standing* to nominate individuals for the 2020 ATP Board of Directors.   You must be a Regular Member to make a nomination and the nominee must be a staff member of a Regular Member organization.

Six seats are open. Directors are elected for a two-year term. Directors serve without compensation and are expected to attend four annual Board meetings. Two of the meetings are via telephone, two meetings are in-person.  The two in-person meetings take place on-site following the Innovations conference and following the Europe-ATP conference.

The Deadline for nominations is Tuesday, September 3, 2019:

ATP Board Nomination Form

[*To be considered a Member-in-good-standing, all member dues must be up-to-date.]

Questions?  Contact Lauren Scheib, COO at [email protected]. or call 717.755.9747.