Keep the Old... Welcome the New

ATP prepares for a re-brand that joins its past, with its present and future


A Re-branding Task Force lead by 2020 ATP Chair John Weiner of PSI, and 2021 Chair John Kleeman, has been hard at work for more than a year researching and looking forward to the implementation of an all-new ATP look and feel reflecting ATP’s evolution as a global community for digital assessment and learning.

"We started by acknowledging ATP's historical roots as an advocate for the testing and assessment industry, we then created Focus Groups to solicit the insights of a wide range of leaders among new and longstanding members, and then we evaluated future trends and the impact of technology for our industry," Weiner explained.

The Task Force brought their findings to marketing experts that have been in and around ATP and the Innovations Conference for many years - Brodie Wise of Internet Testing System, Stephanie Dille of Meazure Learning and Alistair Fryter-Bovill of PSI, who lent their marketing expertise.

"All of that input was then delivered to a graphic designer, Chuck Phillips of Doodle Design, who has created much of the artwork for the Innovations Conference. Phillip's art team delivered several design iterations until we found one that resonated. Next it was on to color and a new tag line," Weiner added.

ATP CEO William G. Harris, Ph.D., took charge of the tagline process. "We had, for many years, told the world that ATP is The intelligent voice for testing in our tagline…and that has not changed," Dr. Harris emphasized. "But going forward, we are going to talk more about what ATP values - because it is truly our values that bring us together as an organization. We know who we are and we know what our mission is - to continue to advocate for testing and assessment in all its forms and uses - but we want to make clear to the world that our collective values include equity, integrity and dedication to life-long learning...and that is what you will see in ATP's new tagline."

The new logo and tagline will be released within the next few weeks, and will include messaging about the significance of the new logo, as well as its colors, elements and tagline. The new logo will be launched along with a new front-facing ATP website.
So stay tuned...