ATP Members Approve New Global By-Laws Making the world smaller for testing -- ATP Past Chair Marten Rooda, CEO, Cito In June ATP's members voted to usher in a new global By-Laws structure for the Association of Test Publishers. Among other changes, the new By-Laws recognize the "Structure and Authority of Regional Organizations." "This was a big step in moving forward as a truly international organization and it comes at a time when global understanding is more important than ever," remarked ATP CEO Dr. William G. Harris. He noted that a number of ATP leaders had been instrumental in formulating the new structure including Past ATP Chairs, Marten Roorda of Cito, Peg Jobst of GMAC, Lisa Ehrlich of Measured Progress, Andrew Wiley of Alpine Testing, current Chair Eugene Burke of CEB/SHL and 2015 Chair-Elect Doug Becker of Riverside Publishing. "This was no small task, and these leaders should be commended for their dedication in moving this effort along to its conclusion," Harris noted. ATP members began to see changes in January when their annual dues invoices reflected the world region to which their organization has been assigned. They also found that they could join as many Practice Area Divisions as they would like to participate in with no additional charge. "This change was made in order to revitalize and internationalize our Practice Area Divisions which are the very foundations on which ATP is based," Harris explained." It is the 'cross-pollination' of our Practice Area Divisions that makes ATP so unique and fuels innovation and our ability to take on larger challenges." According to the new By-Laws ATP will continue to be governed by an elected Board, chosen annually by the membership, and representing the Practice Area Divisions and Regional Divisions. The Practice Area Divisions will continue to be lead by elected officers, and Regions will be lead by a Board of Advisors. ATP members were also invited to join a new Multi-Region category of membership in which they will receive communications from, and be invited to participate in, Regional Divisions that are outside of their "home" Regional Division. "We hope that this will create the same cross-pollination energy among our Regions that has been so successful between ATP's foundational Practice Area Divisions," Harris noted. ATP Members can access the new ATP By-Laws at this Link: ATP By-Laws. And can download a FAQ sheet about Globalization here: Q & A about Globalization.