TEST PUBLISHER NEWS/ Fall 2013 In this issue: Operational Best Practices 2013 Edition Released ATP Board Members Elected for 2014 ATP Security Survey Report 2013 Released ATP Provides Comments to U.S. Department of Education How to Make Public Sector Recruitment Cool/ ATP Launches SIG Badging and It's Impact on Credentialing Help Wanted: Visit the ATP Career Center
"This new tome is not only an updated version of the 2010 Operational Best Practices, but it is more comprehensive in scope and focuses heavily on technology-based assessments," stated ATP CEO Dr. William G. Harris in announcing the release of this new publication in September. Read More
New ATP Board Members Elected for 2014 Eugene Burke to Lead The Association of Test Publishers is pleased to announce the election of five new and returning board members to the 2014 ATP Board of Directors. Read More Successful 2013 ATP conferences held in Malta and New Delhi/ 2014 conferences planned for Scottsdale and Budapest Two successful conferences were held in September in St. Julian's, Malta, hosted by the European Division of ATP (E-ATP); and a smaller one-day event, hosted by the fledgling India-ATP, in New Delhi. Read More
By Jake Vogt, ATP Writer "The Security Survey Report is the culmination of efforts put into motion in 2012 by ATPSC, which provides a forum to encourage assessment organizations to collaborate in addressing test security concerns. The goals of the survey were to look in greater depth at organizational investments into security protocols, to gather specific information on the economic impact of security breaches, and to identify the differing views and priorities of assessment-related organizations of various kinds," stated Nikki Eatchel, of Scantron, Co-chair of the ATPSC.Read More ATP Submits Comments to U.S. Department of Education The Association of Test Publishers this August submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Education in response to an informal request posted on Homeroom, the official blog of the US Department of Education.The Department was seeking comments, especially from assessment experts, on how it reviews and approves state tests in light of the move to a new generation of tests linked to college- and career-ready standards (including the common core), tests being developed by the two Race-to-the-Top Assessment consortia, as well as individual state tests that are not part of the consortia. Read More How to Make Public Sector Recruitment Cool ATP joins with EPSO to create a Special Interest Group for Public Sector Recruitment Badging and Its Impact on Credentialing By Jake Vogt, ATP Writer Innovative learning is what ATP's conferences are all about. So it was no surprise to find a standing-room-only presentation by Jarin Schmidt, Product Strategist with Pearson VUE on "Badging" at E-ATP's recent conference in St. Julian's Malta. Schmidt noted in his presentation that "Badging" has been highlighted as an "innovation to watch" by Harvard Business Review and has been lauded by higher education experts, but says the test publishing industry has been understandably cautious about approaching such an "immature" innovation.Read More Nominations are open for the positions of Treasurer and Secretary on the 2014 ATP Board of Directors.
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