About the India Association of Test Publishers


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The Association of Test Publishers (ATP), founded in 1992, is an effective advocate for the test publishing industry and promotes its members’ interests in legal, regulatory and professional arenas. It also promotes generally accepted guidelines for psychometrics, test delivery, test security, e-testing, interoperability, privacy, test adaptation, localization and other areas related to the testing process. A non-profit organization, ATP represents providers of tests and assessment tools and/or services related to assessment, selection, screening, certification, licensing, educational or clinical uses.


I-ATP Goals

I-ATP focuses on advocacy and education. Five specific goals guide its efforts:

  • To promote and preserve the general welfare of testing and its value to society in all its forms and uses.

  • To organize test publishers into a permanent body to foster and maintain collegial relations among themselves, and to establish relationship with other professional and business groups whose interests and activities affect India’s test publishing community.

  • To encourage a high level of professionalism and business ethics throughout the testing community.

  • To serve as the principal organization that monitors and responds to regulatory and legal rulings as well as government initiatives that pertain to the business of test publishing.

  • To increase the strength and cohesiveness of India’s test publishing community by providing programs of education and training, and to encourage the exchange of best practices among test publishers worldwide.


I-ATP Activities

I-ATP is developing clear and effective communication with its member organizations and responds promptly to industry-wide testing issues (e.g., test security guidance, interoperability, performance-based assessment). I-ATP uses its advocacy activities to recruit members and to develop outreach to the test publishing community. I-ATP is developing the capability to monitor government activities as they directly relate to the test publishing industry. Besides monitoring such activities, I-ATP is developing mechanisms for disseminating information to members and other organizations to ensure that the appropriate response is prepared in a timely manner.

Educational activities emphasize the societal value of professionally developed tests and the importance of safeguarding tests as the intellectual property of test publishers. One aspect of education is to establish a leadership position in the development of industry guidance documents (i.e., test security, innovative item types) and to become the primary source of industry information (i.e., industry trends) for different constituent groups (policymakers, parents, general public). These educational and training programs emphasize quality and continuous improvement in all areas of the testing process. In addressing these needs, I-ATP seeks cost-effective and technologically-driven methods to deliver programs to members and non-members alike. When feasible, I-ATP pursues educational and training programs in cooperation with other associations interested in the testing process.

Networking and exchanging information with member and non-member organizations are critical activities for I-ATP. Members are actively involved in the division’s direction, providing valuable input to help shape divisional activities and culture.

I-ATP protects the rights of qualified professionals to access test and assessment tools and in educating the public of the importance of testing to society. The division plays a central role in reviewing testing guidelines, highlighting best practices and, as needed, directing the development of guidance documents to ensure quality.

I-ATP promotes ethical behavior within the testing community to protect test publishers, users and test takers.


I-ATP’s Key Audiences

There are several key audiences for I-ATP’s advocacy:

  • Governing agencies
  • Media (print, e-print, radio & television talk shows)
  • Well-defined market segments such as education and business decision makers
  • The general public, parents and students